How Does Being a Business Owner Affects Your Health?
Jose Alejandro Sanchez Perez Jose Alejandro Sanchez Perez

How Does Being a Business Owner Affects Your Health?

As a business owner, you probably feel like you are being pulled in many different directions or on a roller coaster ride. Keeping your pace up with the daily demands of running a business can be exciting, but stressful at times.

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The artisanal of automation
Jose Alejandro Sanchez Perez Jose Alejandro Sanchez Perez

The artisanal of automation

The idea of eco-friendly and, inevitably, artisan¨s products, has permeated at a corporate and technological level. Now, if the process of automatisation is the one dominating the international market, how does craftsmanship fit into all of this?

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Lo artesanal de la automatización
Jose Alejandro Sanchez Perez Jose Alejandro Sanchez Perez

Lo artesanal de la automatización

La idea de lo eco-friendly e, inevitablemente, lo artesanal, ha permeado en los ámbitos corporativos y tecnológicos. Ahora bien, si la industria de la automatización es la que domina las finanzas internacionales, ¿cómo se inserta la artesanía en todo esto?

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