The artisanal of automation
Jose Alejandro Sanchez Perez Jose Alejandro Sanchez Perez

The artisanal of automation

The idea of eco-friendly and, inevitably, artisan¨s products, has permeated at a corporate and technological level. Now, if the process of automatisation is the one dominating the international market, how does craftsmanship fit into all of this?

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Lo artesanal de la automatización
Jose Alejandro Sanchez Perez Jose Alejandro Sanchez Perez

Lo artesanal de la automatización

La idea de lo eco-friendly e, inevitablemente, lo artesanal, ha permeado en los ámbitos corporativos y tecnológicos. Ahora bien, si la industria de la automatización es la que domina las finanzas internacionales, ¿cómo se inserta la artesanía en todo esto?

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Overcoming the vicious cycle of early unemployment
Jose Alejandro Sanchez Perez Jose Alejandro Sanchez Perez

Overcoming the vicious cycle of early unemployment

“You don’t have a job because you don’t have experience, and you don’t have experience, because you don’t have a job”. How do we overcome this dilemma?

The vicious cycle of early unemployment, Venezuela’s situation and AVA as a solution.

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Our Passion for Remote Work: Why we do what we do?
Jose Alejandro Sanchez Perez Jose Alejandro Sanchez Perez

Our Passion for Remote Work: Why we do what we do?

Early in this decade, remote work started to become a “thing”, a new exciting concept. Probably software developers were the first group of workers to win the “working remotely” battle, followed by designers, creators, writers. Now, this year the world saw a massive leap forward in the concept´s development and popularity. At a time when businesses were shifting from analog to digital, along comes a pandemic that put the entire world into their houses. With the absolute necessity to maintain as much productivity as possible, working remotely, this past year, was not the exception but the rule. And in the vast majority of cases, it worked.

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